Category Archives: coaching

States Of Mind That Create Energy For You & Your Team

“What are the states of mind that, when you focus of them give rise to greater access to energy, and make you pre-disposed to affirmative action-taking?”   Dear Integral Mindfulness practitioners,  Since the beginning of the pandemic, I’ve been developing mindfulness … Continue reading

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Balancing polarities in coaching and self-coaching

‘Any virtue practiced to an extreme can become a vice’ Dear Reader, This weeks article offers some personal reflections on how to work on sustainable personal growth through awareness of the dynamic of polarity, I hope you enjoy it! Final … Continue reading

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Buy the Coach Coffee – A New Concept in Meditation and Stress Transformation Coaching

First time to Go to our Welcome Page. Toby also offers a special format for his meditation, mindfulness and stress transformation coaching that is designed to: Be more mobile and convenient for the client Be more time effective and … Continue reading

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