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Toby also offers a special format for his meditation, mindfulness and stress transformation coaching that is designed to:
- Be more mobile and convenient for the client
- Be more time effective and less cost intensive
- Deliver great support amidst the challenges of your daily life
The basic format is as follows:
- The venue for the coaching can be in a cafe, anywhere central, perhaps close to your place of work or home, a place of mutual convenience (Skype is also perfectly possible)
- The duration of the coaching session is 30mins
- The cost is $85 per session
- If it is in a cafe, then you buy the coach a coffee!
This is a special limited time offer, as you can see the pricing is very reasonable, and the sessions shorter than the usual. It’s a really great way to get some great mindfulness coaching in a way that is very convenient and affordable. Just a brief comparison to the usual formal coaching sessions Toby offers:
- Usual sessions: Location fixed, cost 220 per 60minute session, or 3 sessions for $600
- Buy coach the coffee sessions: Location convenient and flexible, cost $85 per session or 3 sessions for $250.
This is a great way to get some coaching with Toby in an alternative format!
Find out about Toby.
Client Testimonial: “Learning to meditate has been one of my most profound and enriching experiences. Toby is a masterful teacher and facilitator. He’s able to bridge his in-depth knowledge and experience as a monk and make it accessible to anyone — whether you’re a stay-at-home parent or busy executive.” – DB.
For more client Testimonials click HERE