Mindful Business Coaching

This is a coaching service for executives, small/medium size business owners and entrepreneurs who are seeking to improve four areas of their work life:

  • Personal stress levels and wellbeing
  • Leadership and creative vision
  • Time and task management
  • Management of people and developing soft skills

The corresponding results from this coaching aim to help you:

  • Become more time effective
  • Mange your stress in an empowered way
  • Distinguish “the signals from the noise” – Get the important stuff done
  • Become a better leader of yourself and others

As a coach Toby offers you:

  • A companion on your journey to success
  • Twenty years of personal experience as a business owner and entrepreneur, with all its ups and downs
  • Fifteen years of coaching experience
  • A unique approach to stress management and skills development that incorporates his 25 years of applied mindfulness in ways that clients can apply simply and effectively

Watch Toby talking about Mindful Business Coaching:


To talk to Toby about the possibility of coaching contact info@tobyouvry.com , or text +65 96750279

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