In a sentence: A meditation workshop that focuses on how to re-discover and deepen your inner and outer connection to the animal kingdom as well as stimulate your inner growth and personal wellbeing though meditating with animal guides and familiars
Overview: For thousands of years our ancestors lived in deep communion and connection with the animal kingdom with whom they shared and co-habited the earth. People shared not just a physical connection with the animal kingdom, but a spiritual one; animals were honored as peers, as teachers, as the possessors of wisdom, courage and other qualities that humans could learn from.
Now in a contemporary world often surrounded by steel, concrete and glass, our sense of connection to the animal world often feels as if it has been lost. We have lost not just the literal companionship of animals in our daily life, but our spiritual connection to them and to the wealth of knowledge, creativity and healing that they can bring to us.
This is a workshop about how to re-discover that connection. In this workshop you will learn meditation techniques to:
- Connect in a positive way to your inner wildness
- Become aware of animals with whom you already have an inner connection to and who have been working with you in your life.
- Discover your personal animal guides and familiars
- Understand how to learn from animal guides and familiars that you meet in meditation and ‘speak their language’
- Use your inner connection to the animal kingdom to develop your personal strengths and heal your emotional wounds
- Feel and experience the wisdom of nature even when living in a largely city-based environment
- Develop your creativity, visualization skills and intuition
The workshop aims to be mainly practical and experiential, with Toby acting as a facilitator for your own experiences.
Outline of the workshop structure:
Hour 1: Opening talk,
Meditation 1: Connecting to your primary, personal animal guides and familiars
Hour 2: Meditation 2: Meditating with animals of the water element and the sea
Meditation 3: Meditating with creatures of the air element and sky
Hour 3: Meditation 4: Meditating with animals of the earth element
Meditation 5: Meditating with creatures of fire and myth
There will be appropriate breaks, for Q&A, discussion and drinks/tea during the three hours.
Cost of class will also include:
- A set of MP3 Meditations for your personal practice, as well as the MP3 recordings of the workshop itself
- A handbook detailing the practices done in the workshop as well as related articles
For further enquiries: email or SMS 96750279 during office hours