Freedom & Fullness – A practical introduction to non-dual meditation practice

This is both a Live-in-person & Livestream/online course

Location: There are two chances to engage in this course each week

Tuesdays at ONE Heart, 167, Geylang Road, S38924

Tuesday Online participation link:

Wednesdays at Basic Essence, 501 Bukit Timah Road #03-04 Cluny Court Singapore 259760

Wednesday online participation link

Overview:  The non-dual schools of meditation started to appear in the 6th-10th Centuries BC, and went a step beyond the techniques for Awakening and Enlightenment that had gone before them. As such they represent the deepest and most profound meditation methods available for Waking up to Enlightenment in daily life.

Although deep and profound, the techniques of non-dual meditation are also quite simple, representing ‘flips’ of perspective that reveal non-dual states to us right where we are, amid our daily life and activities. As such they represent a very practical approach to meditation for busy people engaged in busy lives, offering a path where your everyday experiences become the path to your own greater Awakening.

The nine-module course offers:

  • An overview of the main non-dual schools of meditation
  • Practical meditation techniques to practice from these schools
  • Pointers regarding how to make them a part of your daily life
  • Ways to integrate non-dual meditation in to your existing meditation if you have one

Dates and titles (All times Singapore time):

Tues 11th, Weds 12th February, 7.30-8.30pm, Class 1 – Radical acceptance & the mirror-mind – overview of, & foundational practices for non-dual meditation

Tues 18th & Weds 19th February, 7.30-8.30pm, Class 2 – Seeing without naming – Prajna, dualistic-appearance & the Madhyamika view

Tues 25th & Weds 26th February, 7.30-8.30pm, Class 3 – The mountain in me – Yogacara meditation

Tues 4th & Weds 5th March, Class break

Tues 11th & Weds 12th March, 7.30-8.30pm, Class 4 –Primal Presence – Dzogchen meditation

Tues 18th & Weds 19th March, 7.30-8.30pmSpring Equinox balancing and renewing meditation

Tues 25th & Weds 26th March, 7.30-8.30pm, Class 5 –Big I little I, True Self, Illusory self – Vedanta non-duality

Tues 1st & Weds 2nd April, 7.30-8.30pm, Class 6 – All you need is Love – Contemplative non-duality

Tues 8th & Weds 9th April, 7.30-8.30pm, Class 7 –Freedom & fullness – Tantric non-duality meditation

Tues 15th & Weds 16th April, 7.30-8.30pm, Class 8 – Playful headless-ness eastern meets western non-duality

Cost: $270 for the full series of 9 sessions, or $35 per individual class

You can pay via PayNow on +65 96750279 or clickHEREto make payment via PayPal for the whole course, or HERE to make payment for an individual class via PayPal


You can also purchase these sessions in combination with the Freedom & Fullness deep-dive non-dual meditation sessions for SGD$420 (save $50). You can pay via PayNow on +65 96750279 or click HERE to make payment via PayPal

To register or for further enquiries: Email, or sms 65-96750279

About the teacher:  Toby is a meditation teacher, the founder of Integral Meditation Asia. He has been practising & teaching meditation for over thirty years, five of which were as a Buddhist monk within the Tibetan tradition. In his teaching and coaching he combines practical meditation techniques from the world’s great wisdom traditions with the cutting-edge practices that are currently emerging from both the integral & evolutionary consciousness movements. You can find out more about the work of Integral Meditation Asia and Toby by going to www.integralmeditationasia &

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